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When the year's strategy is to be introduced, it is important that everyone in the team understands the strategy and knows how each of them must work to achieve the common objectives. At Qvistgaard & Co. We have extensive experience with Kick Offs. We offer our advice so that you can focus on optimizing the strategy and clarifying it for employeesrne.

We assist with everything from external facilitators and programming to catering and project management. We can also help with initiatives that make the strategy more visible in everyday life when you return to the office.






Summer party, Christmas lunch, Oktoberfest, company party you name it. We are ready to stand by your side and tailor, plan and execute just the company party you require. Company parties are a good way to create joy among employees.
We help with everything from concept development to invitations, entertainment and budgeting. We look forward to surprising you with our great ideas.




If your event is to stand out, a trip abroad is the right choice. We have extensive experience in arranging company trips to various European destinations, which are guaranteed to make a difference. The trip will of course be tailored to your needs, so that the execution will be top notch. With a company trip, the possibilities are many more and therefore this type of event should be chosen if you really value your employees and want to give them a world-class experience.





Fairs and conferences are a good opportunity to reach a targeted audience, but planning and execution require time and resources. Should you hold a conference or participate in a trade fair, we can guide you from start to finish. With our many years of experience in planning conferences and trade fairs, we know what it takes to make it a success. We help you set the right goals and guide you through everything from hotel booking and registration to the agenda and social events.




Collaboration can be challenging, especially in a dynamic world where organizational structures change frequently. Team building helps you to have a better flow in the organization by finding weak and strong points in the team and strengthening cooperation through problem solving. Team building varies greatly in form, length and content, so we tailor exactly the course that will suit your situation and goals.






Getting away from the office helps sharpen focus on the tasks ahead. It provides time, space and peace for professional immersion, and attention is maintained more easily. When the familiar framework is broken, it becomes easier to get new inspiration, develop ideas and think outside the box. whether it is a board meeting, strategy seminar or departmental meeting, we help to find the right setting and can facilitate the meetings so that the whole team can participate actively.

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